“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt 5:16, NKJV).
God is not only the God of the Universe but He also has a close, inImate relaIonship with us. The Lord’s prayer says “hallowed be Your name.” How can we sancIty or make God holy when He is holy? Join us at 7PM as we search the scriptures to understand how to sanctify God in our prayers and lives with Pastor Isaac Boateng.
DAY 5—HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME A Call to Prayer @ 09:00 AM
Praise to the Lord (SDAH#1)
- Pray and thank God for the opportunity to represent Him
- Pray for forgiveness for sometimes we forget that others are watching everything we do. Pray that God will help them to see love, not hate in our lives and generosity, not selfishness.
- Pray that God will work in our lives to bless our children, our neighbors, and even our enemies.
DAY 5—HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME A Call to Prayer @ 12:00PM
How Great Thou Art (SDAH#86)
- Pray that God will show us how to love our families sacrificially and how to make disciples for the Kingdom, starting with our families and loved ones.
- Pray for wisdom to search, understand and follow God’s Word.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide members to help those struggling with mental health issues or isolation.
DAY 5—HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME A Call to Prayer @ 03:00PM
Praise Him, Praise Him (SDAH#249)
- Pray for Spiritual revival among foe Seventh-Day Adventist young people attending colleges and Universities May they become vibrant ambassadors for Christ.
- Pray to seek the Holy Spirit to take away the spirit of back biting and gossip among church members.
Pray for unity among SESDAC members and a renewed focus to make a positive impact in the community.