“The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21b, NKJV).
In Luke 19 verse 9, Jesus says to Zaccheaus, Today salvation has come to this house”. When Jesus lives in your place, heaven is there. And before you can enter God’s kingdom, God’s kingdom must enter your heart. Come Join us @7pm in prayer and search the scriptures with Pastor Isaac Boateng and experience heaven in our hearts.
A Call to Prayer @ 09:00 AM – Redeemed (#338)
- Pray that God will give us wisdom to understand and live out Hisr humble kingdom in our lives today.
- Pray to ask God to cleanse us from those deep and hidden sins and thank Him for His Grace
- Pray that God will come with His kingdom into your heart today.
A Call to Prayer @ 12:00PM – He Lives (#251)
- Pray that God will speak to our hearts and plant His kingdom in our lives today.
- Pray for pastors and churches to find ways of keeping church members actively praying together.
- We pray for a constant reminder of the urgency of the times we are living in to help us to point as many people as we can to find their eternal redemption in God.
A Call to Prayer @ 03:00PM – So Send I You (#578)
- We pray for the gift of children and all couples waiting on God for children
- Pray for healing mercies for the sick
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill the youth and make them vibrant ambassadors for Christ.
- Pray for the needs of the 7 people on your list